Hi There This is My Astronomy Theme I made myeslf, using Notepad. I take no responsibility whatsoever of any malfunctioning, damage, or anyhting else that this theme may have caused, although it shouldn't. I use it on my computer. Copyright Koos van Zyl 1998 If you like the theme, e-mail me and say so, please! I want to know if people use it. Oh, and if you want to include, suggest, or complain about something, please feel free to do so. E-mail : koos@writeme.com I have included extra icons and stuff if you want to use them. I'm still working on some astronomy sounds, but as you know, the universe is awfully quiet, so it's difficult...*L* If you have some cool sounds you think will be fitting, then mail me! ====================================================================================== INSTALLATION - READ CAREFULLY Since you're reading this, I'm assuming you've already unzipped Astronomy Theme.exe. If you have, please check the following: 1.) You installed the files into C:\ when prompted. 2.) In c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Astronomy\ there should be 56 files, including .ico, .ani, and .wav files. 3.) In c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\ there is a file named "Astronomy.theme" 4.) In c:\windows\system there is a file named "Astronomy Screensaver.scr" If all is correct, the Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, and Choose Desktop Themes. From the dropdown list choose "Astronomy", click OK, and watch the magic happen! ====================================================================================== Uninstalling Astronomy Theme I'm really sorry the uninstallation has to be manual. If for some reason you want to uninstall Astronomy Theme, do the following: 1.) Choose a theme other than Astronomy Theme (go to Control panel...see above). 2.) Delete the folder c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Astronomy 3.) Delete the file c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Astronomy.theme 4.) Delete the file c:\Windows\System\Astronomy Screensaver.scr And that's all there is to it! ====================================================================================== System Requirements 1.) You need to have an operating system Windows 95 or similar (not Windows 3.x). The theme has only been tested on Windows 95, but should pose no problems on windows 98 and NT. Report any bugs on these systems (koos@writeme.com). 2.) You need to have Microsoft Plus! installed, with Desktop Theme support. 3.) For best results you should have 16-bit colour (high-colour), but 256 will also work (although the background will look icky). 4.) Preferably you need to have a sound card, but it's optional. ====================================================================================== Other remarks 1.) Extra Icons for My Computer, Network Neighbourhood, and other random icons have been included, and is situated in c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Astronomy\ If you want to change the icons of My Computer, Network Neighbourhood, or anything else, please e-mail me at koos@writeme.com for details. 2.) If any of you have icons, sounds, pictures, colour scheme suggestions, please e-mail me, with a description of how I should use it for best results. Note that I won't accept files larger than 500 KB. If possible zip the file. 3.) If you downlaoded my theme, please e-mail me at koos@writeme.com. If you don't want to comment on it, just have "Astronomy Theme" in the body of the messages. 4.) Please, I need to know what people think to know how to improve my theme! I ask you to e-mail me with suggestions, comments, complaints, bug-reports, anything you can dream up about it, please. I need your support. Astronomy Theme is freeware after all! (Although a couple of dollars will be greatly appreciated). ===================================================================================== Copyright Koos van Zyl E-mail : koos@writeme.com URL : http://users.iafrica.com/j/jo/johannvz/high Phone : +27 12 8080794